The Sound Of The Holy Spirit

The sound of the Holy Spirit! Ahhhhhh DO YOU HEAR IT ? It’s the sound of TRUTH! (Jesus) I am the way, the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through ME! It’s the sound of:Love !A love that transforms us into the image of Christ It’s the sound of:Joy ! Joy that comes from the Lord It’s the sound of: Peace! A peace that surpasses all understanding It’s the sound of: forbearance! Seeing past the person to the demonic strongholds, generational curses that hold that person captive bearing with them to pray and plant the seed of truth and move forward It’s the sound of: kindness! Showing people the good news by living an outward and inward life of Jesus It’s the sound of: gentleness! Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man. It’s the sound of: knowledge! Not worldly but spiritual knowledge that comes only from the Father It’s the sound of:faithfulness! Being TRUE disciples of the Lord on earth as it is in Heaven It’s the sound of:Self-control ! Bringing our very thoughts into obedience to Christ so that our vessels remain crucified on the cross, sacrificed, purified , and set apart from the world ! Remaining in the vine of Life where living waters flow The sound of the Holy Spirit the most beautiful sound Written by : Kelly Winters

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